I can be somewhat indecisive and I'm not always the one to venture out to be "different". In fact, sometimes I rather purchase items that I know are popular with others. So I was really interested in the "Most Registered For" feature on Amazon's wedding registry. I know that an item being most popular may not directly correlate with it being the best, but I'm assuming that there some reason why things are on the top of the list. They have most registered items by categories as well as by regions. I'm not too sure how much value it brings to see what's most popular in my region, but I did find it funny that Scrabble #3 in my region's list.

I love that game even though I'm usually only putting down four letter words or making existing words on the board plural with a single tile "s". Ok...that was a little bit of a sidebar note. In summary, I found it interesting to see what other folks are registering for and took an extra look at the categories I was most interested in. The top 100 list was also interesting.
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