As couples are getting married at a later stage and usually have everything they need, there is a growing trend towards having a registry for charity. Perhaps my analysis is incorrect on why more people are going this route, maybe it's just the fact that we have a great self-less society that wants to use every opportunity to give back to the community. Personally, I would prefer to register for more traditional items as I feel people would like to choose where their money goes to and may not believe in the same causes. Don't get me wrong, I think that charitable donations are a great idea, but I would probably steer away from it as a registry and perhaps make donations as the wedding favor. This way the money is coming directly out of you own pocket and you are still helping a cause that you believe in. In any case, there are now sites out there that help those who want to have a registry for their charities. I didn't interact with them much as I knew I wasn't going to use it, but it may be something that others are interested in.

The best one I found was that has a section dedicated for wedding registries.